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About Stichting Corantijn

Our story

Who we are, what is our mission

Stichting Corantijn is an initiative of the New Apostolic Church and our mission is to support and encourage our fellow man in Surinam by offering diaconal aid regardless of color, race, sexual preference or faith. We contribute to the development of the local population on social, spiritual, medical and educational issues.

The foundation was established in 1997 and named APS, later, because of the working area, the name was changed to Stichting Corantijn.

What do we do

Stichting Corantijn supports many social institutions like children’s homes, homes for the elderly, hospitals, schools and to the inland population. Annually a minimum of three large sea-containers with emergency aid is being shipped to Surinam. The contents next to school supplies and school furniture consists of household effects, diapers, clothing, linen and all sorts of medical supplies.

Furthermore the foundation focusses on sustainable projects, the Financial Adoption Plan and small-scale economic projects. In addition, we offer help with calamities and acute small-scale help. More information can be found in our policy plan (in Dutch only).

How do we do it and what do we do with it

Revenues, with which we finance our projects and provide help, we receive from:

All received donations give Stichting Corantijn the opportunity to provide the following help and to carry out their projects. This list is not inexhaustible.

  • Shipment of sea containers with (medical) relief supplies
  • Refurbishing schools and providing students with school materials
  • Starting sustainable and economic projects
  • Providing acute small-scale aid and emergency aid
  • Facilitate space to start a day care

Where do the (medical) relief supplies go to

The (medical) relief supplies go to our fellow sisters and brothers and those close to them, but also to children's homes for neglected, homeless, physically and mentally disabled children. Furthermore, to hospitals, homes for the elderly, outpatient departments and villages in the interior. Schools also receive support from us.
