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General Data Protection Regulation      

In General
On the 25th of May 2018 the European General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) came into place. The AVG succeeds the former Dutch Personal Data Protection Act (WBP) from 2001. The AVG offers citizens more protection concerning their personal data and requires organisations to handle personal data with care even more.

This also applies to Stichting Corantijn which works in the Netherlands and Surinam and wants to handle personal data with care.

Administration register
Our website does not allow us to register and uphold data. The website does not register any data from visitors. It only offers statistical information and there is therefore no need for a secure connection.

The website only provides the reader with the personal data of the members of the board, district coordinators and permanent sponsors. All with their consent.

News items
Information concerning sponsorship campaigns as well as their results will be mentioned on our website, the various social media channels (Facebook, Twitter en Instagram) and in our magazine Onze Familie of the New Apostolic Church. These articles and the matching photographs have a journalistic value for the commentary and the accountability of our foundation. Where appropriate permission is asked in individual cases for the use of the pictures.

In some cases this information is used for presentations to third parties in order to acquire sponsorships and or to account for sponsorship funds to sponsors.

Stichting Corantijn registers name and address data of donors as well as the data for the direct debit system (IBAN, amount and frequency). These data are not accessible via the internet

Direct debit only takes place after the signing of an authorisation. For the ending of the authorisation there is only the need to send an email to the secretariat (

Internal administration
Stichting Corantijn registers name and address data and email addresses of donors, sponsors and volunteers. These data will not be shared with third parties.

Stichting Corantijn publishes her annual account and strategy plan (without specific personal details) on her own website, and Kennisbank Filantropie.

Rights AVG
All registered persons have the right to look into their data, to have them removed and/or amended and they have the right to be forgotten. A request can be submitted to previously mentioned secretariat.

Data Protection Officer (FG)
Stichting Corantijn registers no special personal data and registers only a limited number of people. Where the AVG is concerned there is no need for a Data Protection Officer.
If there is however cause for concern and you want to submit a complaint please do so via our secretariat and we will act accordingly and in a responsible manner.
