Er is een prachtig adventsconcert gehouden in de Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk te Groningen, dat op 8 december jl. plaatsvond. Het orkest Regio Noord en het Districtskoor Noord brachten…
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In de Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk te Sneek werd op zondag 1 december jl. een concert voor Suriname gehouden. Dertien leden van het Orkest Regio Noord en…
Stichting Triggr regularly organises a toy exchange market. In the first half of November, residents of Ter Aar and the surrounding area can bring in (baby) toys, children's books, cuddly toys, games and puzzles during seven half-days at different...
Twice a year Stichting Corantijn is invited at this Children’s Clothes Fair in Kudelstaart. This time it was the winter version. Lots of clothes, shoes and toys were donated...
At a number of addresses, two in Paramaribo and one in Dankbaarkondre, Stichting Corantijn delivered food parcels, incontinence materials and children’s clothing. What made it special was that there were three different...
Shortly before the opening of the Children's Clothes Fair Nieuwkoop Stichting Corantijn was approached by them to ask whether the foundation would like...
Over the past few months, hard work has been done in the Netherlands to collect, sort, and pack goods. The container was filled with...
A large number of youth divisions from Dutch amateur sport clubs benefit from the sponsorship program. They get new outfits sponsored for their players. This is also the case for...
Hogeschool Utrecht donated several digital schoolboards to Stichting Corantijn this year. Five of these touchscreens were transported from our depot to the shipping company in order to...
Every three years, youth amateur clubs participating in the sponsorship program, receive new uniforms. SC Leovardia chose this moment to...