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Toy Exchange Market Ter Aar donates

Stichting Triggr regularly organises a toy exchange market.
In the first half of November, residents of Ter Aar and the surrounding area can bring in (baby) toys, children's books, cuddly toys, games and puzzles during seven half-days at different times. In exchange they receive points which they can use to purchase other items. A sustainable method to get some gifts for the festive season.

The day after they received the donated goods a group of nineteen volunteers go to work. They check all the items if they are complete, clean and functioning properly. They also put everything nicely on display.

Sunday the 17th of November was the day that everyone could come in between 14.00 and 15.00 hours to exchange the previously received points, for new items. It looked like the ‘Dolle Dwaze Dagen’ of the ‘Bijenkorf’, a volunteer told us. At around 13.15 hrs they were already lining up, shivering in the cold.

After the exchange market there was still enough left to support five charities.
Stichting Corantijn joined for the first time this year to also make children in Suriname happy.
