During the school holidays a lot of hard work is put into preparing the building and classrooms for the new schoolyear. So is the case with HU Amersfoort.
The management of the college has decided to replace a part of their digi-touchscreens. They also have a number of display screens that are not being used anymore. It is a waist to let them gather dust is the idea.
Stichting Corantijn is allowed to pick up forty of them. Volunteers of HU Amersfoort took them out of the classrooms and assisted the driver when loading into the truck. At our depot in Lelystad, a fresh team of people from Emmeloord were ready to help move the screens into the various containers.
The company Heuvelman company had packaged the vast majority of the touchscreens so that they were ready for transport.
The eight display screens, which are among the donated screens, are intended for the polyclinics project in Suriname. Stichting Corantijn realizes the clinics in the village of Dankbaarkondre, and later on in Companiekreek and Balingsoela, in a joint project with the New Apostolic Church.
Thanks very much for all the people’s support!