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Donation HU and printers divided

Mid 2020 the Hogeschool Utrecht donated to Stichting Corantijn 55 and 70 inches touch screen digiboards, meant for educational purposes.

Due to corona measures they were unable to be distributed immediately.
In December 2021 it was finally possible and the delivery was started.

A team of volunteers went on several trips with a fully loaded truck with touchscreens and tools. Primary schools, schools where lower vocational education is provided and MULO schools received digiboards.

On the spot the digiboards were fixed on the walls in the classrooms.
A short video impression has been made of bringing to a number of schools and placing the touchscreens.

The video also shows that printers are taken to various schools.
Teachers can solve the shortage of textbooks in Suriname for their school by copying the lessons to be given for the students from the books.

For the training of police officers, a number of touchscreen digiboards with accessories have also been brought to the Politie Academie Suriname.

With this generous gift various schooling types in Surinam were given a positive boost.
