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Result Sermon of the Layman

On Sunday the 20th of February 2022 Marion van Berkum held a Sermon of the Layman in the Protestant Church De Schutse in the village of Uithoorn. She was asked to do so.
What such a sermon entails you can read in an earlier article.

Being secretary to Stichting Corantijn, Surinam is close to her heart.
During the lay sermon she also presented her ‘good cause’ being the education project.
Children are our future and with good education they can shape their future and will then be able to provide for their family. This is what she conveyed to her audience. She also requested donations.

The service was held in the church hall but people were also able to follow the event via YouTube or .
To rewatch go to Kerkomroep: click on ‘kijken’ on ‘Zondag 20 februari 2022 15:51’.

In total the (digital) collection to refurbish schools raised € 1.630,50.

The organisation of the Layman's Sermon were amazed. They had never experienced such a high yield for charity.
