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Peter Petersenschool boosts our educational program

Last year Jan Dunning, a parent of a pupil attending the Peter Petersenschool, contacted Stichting Corantijn. The school was organising a week about Surinam in June 2020. The idea was to make it a big event and a collection was held for backpacks and school materials. The old school furniture would be donated to Stichting Corantijn.
Would we be interested?
Well yes!

The Peter Petersenschool was very enthusiastic about our education project and offered to sponsor the shipping of one of our containers. This would be placed on the schoolyard in Haren, Groningen.
We of course jumped at the opportunity.

Due to the corona measures it was impossible however to hold the event. The week has now been split in two. In July 2020 the container will be filled with school furniture and if all goes well with corona, the rest of the festivities will be held in September 2020.

On the 1st of July 2020 the container was delivered at the school.
In the meantime the whole of the village of Haren was in turmoil. Retailers and inhabitants alike started to collect things for Surinam.

The next day everything was ready to be loaded in the container. The whole schoolyard was full.
Desk chairs, school furniture, bicycles coming from a bicycle dealer, incontinence materials, carts to transport medication in a hospital, boxes with clothes etc.
It was a coming and going of pupils, members of the schoolboard and parents.
A small group of people then skilfully put everything in the container.

On the 7th of July the container was closed.

A few days later, July the 10th, the container was picked up and transported to the Rotterdam harbour. Noor, the daughter of Jan and Marlies Dunning, was allowed to help the chauffeur to load the container on the truck. Stichting Corantijn will take care of the necessary expedition and shipping paperwork.

We thank all the volunteers for their muscles and will power to make this happen.
You will make a lot of children and elderly very happy in Surinam!

Stichting Corantijn wants to thank the board of the Peter Petersenschool very much for their generous gift to make the transport of this shipping container possible.

Together Strong for Education in Surinam!

N.B. :
Jan Dunning and his wife Marlies are no strangers to Stichting Corantijn. Together they ran our former NATSJ house in Paramaribo from 2004 until 2007. In this boarding school youngster from the interior of Surinam lived and studied.
