In March of this year Stichting Corantijn received a call for help from a small village called Nieuw Lombé.
This tiny village is based in the Brokopondo district on the opposite side of Klaaskreek, just 50 km from Paramaribo. It is also close to Dankbaarkondre. To reach the village one has to cross the stream by boat.
It is one of twenty transmigration villages which have been founded at the edge of the Brokopondo retaining reservoir. The inhabitants of Nieuw Lombé originate from various tribes who used to live where the retaining reservoir is now. They all had to start anew, which is also the translation of the village name: new start, new beginning.
The village has a church and school.
Mr. Nelius Akompa, 59 years of age, desperately needed a new tricycle.
In the past he was involved in a major accident and needed surgery on his left leg.
It left him severely handicapped leaving him unable to work and he has trouble walking.
He lives in a small cabin and has to go out himself every day for his shopping and his social contacts. In the past he was given a tricycle by another charity organisation.
The tricycle was really too small for him and needed to be replaced.
Via a working relationship a wheelchair mechanic was found and he came up with an appropriate tricycle.
Mr. Akompa is very proud and over the moon! He thanks Stichting Corantijn wholeheartedly.
When he was presented with his new bike the captain of the village, and several representatives of the New Apostolic Church, Sanredjo, Dankbaar and Goedewacht, were present.
Marion van Berkum