What is De Laen Makelaardij B.V.?
De Laen Makelaardij B.V., member of the NVM, offers a range of services to their clients:
- The sale of your house or apartment using a personalized sales plan
- Expert help with the procurement of a new home or apartment
- taxatie van uw woning/appartement volgens het NWWI keurmerk, De Laen Makelaardij B.V. staat geregistreerd bij Stichting VastgoedCert
- without obligation, in cooperation with approved mortgage consultants, map out your financing options
The motto below is practice within the team of De Laen Makelaardij B.V.:
“Help others the way you would like to be helped yourself!”
How did we come into contact with De Laen Makelaardij B.V.?
The owner of De Laen Makelaardij B.V., Mrs. Anneke Haak-Bronsema, approached us in 2010 and supports us ever since.
What does the sponsorship entail?
Since 2010, De Laen Makelaardij B.V. donates to us € 1,500 annually.
What does Stichting Corantijn do with this donation?
Thanks to these donations we have been able to do the following:
- Contribution to our aids children program with € 1.500,=. With the money we bought among other things baby nutrition
- The purchase of a washing machine for Kinderhuis Campagne
- The purchase of a refrigerator for Kinderhuis Campagne
- Purchasing a large stock of groceries for Kinderhuis Campagne
- Adjusting the laundry room in Kinderhuis Campagne so that it can be locked, among other things
- The purchase of school uniforms for the children of Kinderhuis Campagne
- Refurbishing schools in our education project
- Sending containers with (medical) relief supplies
We would very much like to thank De Laen Makelaardij B.V. for their yearly support!
Now we can fund these extra children’s projects and thus offer more help.
Would you like to know more about De Laen Makelaardij B.V., visit: delaen.nl